Churchill and Henry IV

My Speech:

American Revolutionary War

We have come a long way since our fathers settled in this land. We lived among the British for a while and now, we have had it! Do we want the Parliament to tax us? NO! Are we going to let them control us? NO! Are they the boss of us? NO!!! We cannot be a part of the British colony any longer! We shall fight and fight until we have freedom! If war is what it takes? We shall deliver!

In God we trust! We will make history! We will have our own nation! In God we trust! We will have freedom! We will gain independence! It won’t be easy. It will be tough! We will suffer! Sacrifice will be a must! But our end reward shall be victory and victory will be our only option.

Whatever happens, in the end we shall have our own nation! All of us who fought will be remembered! Our faces and names will be on the hall of fame! We will be the ones who our country will thank! We will stand together and win together! This will be our motherland! In God we trust! With glory and honor, we will be victorious!